Co:Mission is a ministry that is built on the foundation of discipleship. Our goal is to establish college ministries in churches that equip students to pursue an active relationship with Christ and be able to reproduce that training in others (2 Timothy 2:2). We are made up of several different college ministries across the United States with more coming in the next few years.
Make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:28-20)
Build up local churches through discipleship
Fill a missing age gap within the church
Train the leaders of tomorrow’s church
Infuse energy into worship, Bible study, and service in the church and surrounding community
Co:Mission is a ministry that is built on the foundation of discipleship. Our goal is to establish college ministries in churches that equip students to pursue an active relationship with Christ and be able to reproduce that training in others (2 Timothy 2:2). We are made up of several different college ministries across the United States with more coming in the next few years.
Make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:28-20)
Build up local churches through discipleship
Fill a missing age gap within the church
Train the leaders of tomorrow’s church
Infuse energy into worship, Bible study, and service in the church and surrounding community
How it all started...
In 2015, three college ministries with similar visions of discipleship came together in Iowa Park, Texas for the first Co:Mission Conference. The conference included 100 students from three universities. The students raised $30,000 in 24 hours to begin and fund a new college ministry that would also be focused on discipleship. A new college ministry started at Memorial Baptist in Killeen, TX shortly after the conference. The second Co:Mission Conference was in 2016 and it included 120 students from the four universities. Now, there are eight Co:Mission campuses across the United States, in places like Washington, DC, Texas, and Oklahoma. These universities meet up a few times a year for Co:Mission Conference, mission trips, and other events.

Expanding the vision...
At the core, Co:Mission aims to change lives through intentional discipleship by following the example that Jesus Christ gave us. Our main goals are to build up local churches through discipleship, fill a missing age gap within the church, train the leaders of tomorrow's church, and infuse energy into worship, Bible study, and service in the church and community. Our immediate goal is to partner with 12 churches in college towns to reach college campuses.